Jessica Conway/ Roundup news
KPCRadio Launch
Jessica Conway
Tweet: KPCR Launched the Pierce College First ever Internet Radio station today at 11:00 a.m. followed by their first live show.
Summary: KPCRadio will have a live broadcast Monday- Thursday between 12:00 p.m. – 3:00p.m. and will have music available 24/7.
KPCRadio launched Pierce College’s first student-run faculty involved Internet radio station on Monday.
The Launch Party began at 11:00 a.m. with a reception and refreshments, followed by the radio show.
“Community first is our mission statement”, announced the student advisor, Natalie Yemenidjian.
KPCRadio is an Internet station that plans on combining all the art, culture, news and music in the San Fernando Valley and broadcasting it.
The Station is available Monday – Thursday for live programs between 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. and recorded music will be available 24/7
Each program broadcasted will last between 30 minutes and an hour and a half long.
There will be a variety of Programs playing daily, a list of the show schedules will be available online soon.
SHOUTcast will be an accessible app for some 3g phones o order to listen to KPCRadio on the go.
To become a part of the radio station sign up for “Broadcast 10” in Fall a class and lab that take place on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, this semester.
Faculty and students worked immensely hard for approximately the last year to produce an Internet based station for not just Pierce College but for the whole San Fernando Valley.
Thanks to the help of the Pierce College Dean of Career and Technical Education Jose-Luis Fernandez and the Vice Chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District Economic and Workforce Development the Broadcast 10 class earned nearly $100,000 for the station to run.
The Faculty Advisor, Amara Aguilar helped put grants together with the Student Advisors and Deans, without them the Station would not exist today.
“We did this to better prepare students for the work world”, stated Jose-Luis Fernandez , “This is a collaboration of people and Faculty, we need to work together, the bottom line is student involvement and success
The students have many plans and ideas for the station as well as bilingual programs and fresh local music.
“We don’t want to be KROQ, who is known for playing Green Day over and over, we want variety”, Said Natalie Yemenidijian.
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