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Swim and dive going on to state

Tyler Mcgee / Roundup

The Western State Conference swimming championships were held Thursday friday and Saturday at the Santa Clarita Swim Center.
Diver Jamie Flynn had lready taken first place in the one and three meter diving schampionships when the swimmers took to the pool.
Swimmers Daniel Parlato and Sareen Hagopian will also be moving on to the state meet Thursday Fridayand Saturday.
Parlato qualified in the 50 free the 200 free and the 200 butterfly.
Hagopian qualified in the 500 free the 200 Individual Medeley and the 100 breaststroke. Hagopian’s 200 I.M time broke a school record ssset in 1988. Hagopian’s record breaking time was 2:12.84.
Flynn, Hagopian, and Parlato will leave for the State meet that is being held at Mt. San Antonio college Wednesday night.

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