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French club presents “Amelie”

Diana Garcia / Roundup

The French Club screened “Amelie” last Thursday evening in the Great Hall.


Based on a romantic comedy, the film is about an inexperience girl, Amelie Poulain (Audrey Tautou), who lives in Paris and tries to help out people who live within the same village.


As a waitress who takes upon herself to aid people such as, a failed writer or her father, who is devoted and in love with his own garden. Her life is consumed by other people; thus when she arrives at home, she realizes how lonely she is.


As a child, Amelie’s life has been censored by her father’s concerns of a heart defect. Amelie feels that she never had a chance to communicate with the world. As she begins to grow up, develops an eerie form of imagination and search of love.


According to Serena Swanger, 22, a student of French 1, “Amelie” received five academy award nominations.


“We chose this film because it was an award winning and it speaks to the American and French cultures,” said Swanger.


Sylvie Young, a French professor, originally born in France, said the reason this film was selected is because it is extremely popular in France, the U.S and in other countries. 


“This film touches people in every single way to some type of hope and joy,” said Young.


According to Young, thinks the film displays hope and kindness, while caring for others.


However, Young feels that the depiction of the French society with many ethnicities, doesn’t depict the truth of Paris.


“It was pretty funny, but kind of awkward, but cute and romantic at the end,” said Yahira Pashiche, a registered nurse major at Pierce.


Nathalie Ramos, 21, Political Science major is in Young’s French 1 who also enjoyed the film.


“It was a cool film,” said Ramos. “I had no expectation and came in with a clean slate and no thoughts.”


According to Swanger, on May 10, the French Club will have a bake sale intended for a multicultural day that will be taking place at the Great Hall. It’s an all day event that will begin at noon.

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