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50th Direction magazine issue.

Jessica Conway/ Roundup news

  Pierce College’s Direction magazine will be releasing the 50th Centennial issue in the first week of September for $5 in the Bookstore. 

     “This year will be a very special edition; we have raised funds to create a completely green, eco-friendly edition full of student creative writing and art” , stated the Directions faculty sponsor, Maria Bates. 

     Direction is annually released, student based literary magazine in which students are able to submit creativity through art, and various types of writing. 

     This years 50th edition will also involve the community within the art portion of the magazine, including a special linen cover. 

     Since this years edition is so special the teachers and student have worked specifically hard to exploit the magazine to students in order to get more submissions, and ended with a successful 1,500 submissions by April 17. 

     From these 1,500 entries, we have selected outstanding writers and artists whose poetic and creative spirits made us pause and think about their messages, Said Bates. 

    All Submissions received after April 17, will be reviewed for the 2011 edition. 

     “Since we are part of a college community with a diverse voice, we do not censor students’ works.  We may edit them for clarity or recommend changes, but the writer or artist ultimately has the last say.” mentioned Maria Bates. 


     Any student  interested can submit an article for Direction to publish with the writers consent, but In order to become an official writer for this production contact Professor Maria Bates.

     Let’s say a student would like to take it a step further and would like to become an editor for this publication, this  requires enrollment in English 32 with a prerequisite of at least English 28.  As well as concurrent enrollment in  English 60;  where students meet with the instructor throughout the semester to discuss their creative endeavors or to get help with special projects for the magazine.

     In order to better understand where Direction magazine plans to go in the future check out;  Santa Monica’s Review or Professional Journals both are taken into much consideration before the articles are chosen. 

     This magazine was made to produce an all student publication of creativity, culture, and talent, meanwhile giving students recognition and the enjoyment of life.

 Maria Bates stated her favorite part of Direction,  “I’ve had the opportunity to work with talented students, participate in Open Mics, and meet inspirational creators whose artistry is destined to carry them far.”



      The rules for the article submission and content is as follows;



       If all of the above requirements are met for each category  of literacy in the magazine, a winner will then receive a cash prize. 


      To learn where to contact professor Bates log on to the link below.   

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