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Encore- the Professor’s Lecture Series continues

Nolan Blake / Roundup


Pierce College Music Orchestra teacher, James Domine was the latest professor to participate in the Professor Lecture series yesterday at the music room, demonstrating many pieces of classical and modern ways of composing music.
Domine began his music career at age 14, and has grown to love music ever since. His first public success as a composer came May 10, 1977, when Roger Wagner conducted his “Requiem”. It earned him a scholarship to UCLA.  He at first wanted to be a baseball player.
Today he runs the San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra as a year-round concert series at Pierce College. He’s also the leading role in expanding the musical horizons. He loves the passion of music and takes it seriously.
As a musician and conductor, Domine has led the orchestra in over a thousand concerts and counting. His most recent performance was April 24.
“I’ve been teaching for 10 years now.” Said Domine, “Occupations: orchestra, violinist, music history and appreciation, director of music in summer, piano, guitar.” Those are his main focuses for his career.
“I’m happy to help any students with regard in their interest in music.” dramaic intact.
“Classical music was popular music in its own time,” he said. “They weren’t making hard pounding music like they are today. Not really what the composers though of. They wrote music that their audiences wanted for a certain time.”
“Listen to a lot of music, and practice your instruments. Your computers won’t help much. You must play your instrument sot get the best you can be.”
Student Sandy Kay had a few good words to said, “He is extremely knowledgable, entertaining, and great speaker. He’s a feel good lecture all the time. He plays every instrument and piece”.
“He so well educated, amazing, describes everything has been. Only 56 years old.
Another student Rita Nemechek said, “Very knowledge teacher, great person, positive person. Considering person. Makes things interesting every question.”
Muisc lover student Sheryl Czetler said, “Great person, never makes an excuse, always has a sense of humor.”


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