ASO Blood drive helps to save lives

Sydney Grossman / Special to the Roundup

Look the other way and squeeze tight.

On Wednesday, the Associated Student Organization, ASO, sponsored the biannual blood drive at Pierce College.

With an initial turn out of 92 students, only 61 could be pricked and prodded to save the lives of many strangers.

This year’s ASO Public Welfare Chair, Lauren Aardema, 18, was in charge of putting on this semester’s event.

“[The ASO had the blood drive] in hopes of getting the Pierce students involved in the community to donate blood to the Red Cross,” Aardema said.

This semester’s blood drive was especially important because Pierce was in competition with Mission College to see who could have more blood donated.

Pierce had 61 units of blood, and Mission got 60.

“One donation saves three live,” Aardema said.  “It makes a world of difference, so come and donate.”

From the people that donated blood, Pierce will have affected 183 lives. 

The next blood drive will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 29.


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