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8% increase in student enrollment leads to cut backs for fall

Jessica Conway / Roundup

Pierce College will cut back on students for 2010- 2011 semesters, as a result of the classes being to full.

As most students know, the college is currently being remodeled, the Center for the Sciences has reported to have smaller classrooms than the old building potentially harm the amount of science majors.

“We have never practice unfilled seats our classes,” stated Vice President of Academic Affairs, Nabil Abu-Ghazaleh. “Although we will not overflow our labs.”

He explained with how bad the economy is more students decide to attend community colleges concluding in teachers accepting more add slips.

This semester Pierce recorded to have 8% more students than the schools cap.

“Not too many more students can enroll here,” stated Academic Senate President Tom Rosdahl.

The faculty to student ratio is by far not impartial even with the 22 new faculty members.

“We are already preparing a modern curriculum for 2010-2011,” said Abu-Ghazaleh.

The curriculum will cut 5% of students fo r fall semester and possibly more for the following spring semester.

“Lets stop the sardine cans of education,” stated Rosdahl

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