Sports banquet today

Noelle Arias / Roundup

It’s not uncommon for a sports team to have a banquet after the end of every season, to celebrate the successes and individual accomplishments of individual team members.
 Pierce College takes this one step further by having an annual sports banquet, where all teams in the school’s athletic department are invited to join together and bask in the glory of another year gone by.
 The 2010 Sport’s Banquet will take place on Tuesday, May 25 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the teacher’s café area.
 “It’s a lunch for all the athletes, a way of saying thanks for all their work this past year,” said Pierce College Athletic Director, Bob Lofrano, in an email.
 Hot dogs and other barbeque foods will be served while a handful of Brahmas receive scholastic awards.
 Certificates will be awarded to second year athletes with a grade point average of 3.00 or higher.
 This event will present an opportunity to reflect on the 2009-2010 school year and wave farewell to the athletes that will be leaving Pierce.
 For more information on athletics at Pierce College visit

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