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Graduation will take place June 9

Noelle Arias / Roundup

There’s so much to worry about on graduation day from arriving on time and the endless search for parking to taking pictures with every single family member as mothers sob with pride and whimper about how grown up their babies are.

As if that isn’t enough to make heads spin,  it has come to the Roundup’s attention that a previous story about this year’s graduation has caused some confusion among students and all those planning on participating in or attending the event.

To clear up any misconception, graduation will take place on Wednesday, June 9 at 6:00 p.m. at Swisher Park as originally planned.

Last year’s graduation also took place at Swisher Park located along the Pierce College Mall near the cafeteria. This years graduation may be arranged a bit differently due to the construction going on all around campus.

“The stage and chairs encompass most of Swisher Park and will be easily identifiable,” said David Follosco, vice president of Student Services.

It is unsure how many people will attend the ceremony because students are not required to participate, but early arrival is suggested to find a seat and indulge in refreshments.

“The total number of student caps and gowns sold in the bookstore is a good indicator of participation but not totally accurate,” said Follosco.

Instead of purchasing caps and gowns at the Pierce College Bookstore for $29.85 plus tax, many students borrow them from friends, family or alumni.

Black caps and gowns are mandatory for all students taking part in the ceremony except for nursing students who will be wearing white caps and gowns.

Students are still required to meet at the Campus Center at 5:15 p.m. to get organized while guests take their seats before the ceremony.

Victory Parking Lot 7 is the closest to Swisher Park and is accessible using one of the two entrances located on Victory Boulevard. Parking will be free and no permits are needed.

Gifts for graduates will also be available to purchase at the Pierce College Bookstore before and after the event.

For those that are still unclear about what will be going on the day of graduation, visit

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