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New college president

Andre Fuller

Kathleen Burke-Kelly has been selected by the Los Angeles Community College District to be the next Pierce College president.

Current Vice President of Academic Affairs at Trade Tech College, Burke-Kelly found out the news late last night.

“Now I can text me children,” said Burke-Kelly during the LACCD boarding meeting today. “I have had their support during this process.”

She has a daughter and son who currently attend the University of California at San Diego and Pasadena Community College, respectively.

The new Pierce president is familiar with community colleges, not only as a member of a administration, but as a student as well.

She graduated from Glendale Community College with a degree in Humanities

Burke-Kelly’s main agenda for the success of Pierce College is making sure the students achieve all of their goals.

“I want to bring more awards, degrees and certificates to Pierce,” said Burke-Kelly. “Whatever we need to do to assist students.”

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