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My Guide to Acing Final Exams

Brit Sharon / Roundup

It’s not summer yet, even if it feels like it outside.
Finals are upon us and I am here to curb some of the pressure off your shoulders.
Do you ever feel that you aren’t a great student when it comes to studying? I know that’s how I feel. However, after wandering about our 426-acres of campus (well maybe not the entire campus, but a lot of it) I have compiled “My Guide to Acing Final Exams.” Take into consideration all the tools I have gathered for you and you will be on your way to that next ‘A’.
·      Firstly, and most importantly, make sure you’ve kept all your notes. That is very crucial in achieving that good grade. If you haven’t kept your notes or taken any, you will still be able to study, but I highly recommend that you start holding onto your notes for the future.
The notes are important because they emphasize the specific parts of a chapter that the teacher is wants you to remember and know.
“Try to get a feel for what the teacher will emphasize the final on,” astronomy professor Carolyn Mallory said. ” Look back on past assignments and see what the main focus of those were and study those concepts.”
·      Secondly, reread all the chapters the final will be covering. If you are too stressed or find that you are running out of time, read all the bold headlines and the first and last paragraph of every section.
Rereading chapters will make information that may not have been touched upon relevant again and create a context of how everything is related to each other.
Also, going over the chapter will give you a different perspective from your notes and may demonstrate a new concept differently than that of your teacher.
“I read my book,” Said Keren Pasandi, 21, a child development major. “I just cram my book. It goes over everything we’ve learn from the midterm until now.”
·      Another tip that I have always found useful is making flashcards. Flashcards provide an easy and fun way to learn and retain information. Flashcards are most common when you need to study vocabulary words or historical information, but any subject matter will suffice.
For example, when I was in my political science class I would put events or an important person’s names on one side and why the event or person was important on the other side.
Make sure that flashcards are made for everything that you will be tested on, regardless of if you know the information or not (it never hurts to know something to much).
Jenna Bermann, 19, a psychology major, prefers flashcards when choosing a method of studying because it ensures that she will be able to study all of the material in order to prepare for her finals.
“When it comes to studying it really depends on the class,” said Bermann. “I usually will make flashcards for my psychology classes because there is just so much material to go over and I study them.”
·      Study groups is another method I have come across to acing that next test based on testimonies I have gotten around campus. I have the confidence to say this is another great way to prepare for finals. 
Study groups are very helpful because they’re designed to provide a better understanding of information for someone who may not be as strong in a certain area of a main subject.
Study groups work as a two way street. The person who needs help can learn and the person who is teaching receives practice, which gives them a better understanding of the information. 
Shahin Eftekhaari, 21, a business major, wished he still went to study groups.
“They help a lot,” Eftekhaari said. ” I really gained from them but I didn’t continue with them and my grades have suffered because of it.”
I know studying for finals can be a burden and something we have all tried to avoid, but regardless of how much we don’t want to take the test, we always do. So this year instead of panicking for a week and cramming five hours prior to the test take these study tips and apply them wisely. 
The studying process may frustrate you, but if you keep at it and go over all your information you will be able to succeed. You may even surprise yourself and if nothing else, your one-step closer to summer.
Good luck.

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