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The PPC approved updates made to the Master Plan yesterday

Brit Sharon / Roundup

The Pierce College Council, PCC, met for their last meeting and unanimously approved an updated addition to Pierce’s 2002 Master Plan of beautifying the school yesterday in the College Services Building Conference Room.
In a comprehensive and revised presentation of the Master Plan, given by the Sasaki Group on January 28, 2010, it was agreed that Pierce would move forward with the latest arrangement, which now includes more new buildings that will be presented to the board of trustees to be approved.
The board of trustees’ has a 3-step process to approve Proposition J projects, which includes the Master Plan. 
The 3-step process includes approval from Pierce’s shared governance group, distribution of the Master Plan document, and a final vote.
According to Joy McCaslin, the interim president, she is hoping to have distributed the document to the board by mid June, which would then lead to a hearing where the updated Master Plan is presented along with the Pierce College Environmental Impact Report, EIR, addendum and any public speakers that wish to comment.
By August, McCaslin expects the board to make their final votes.
“One thing that we are going to do that is not a requirement is have an open house for the community about the Master Plan,” said McCaslin. “We will showcase our buildings. It’s just helpful for the community to talk to the faculty who are using those buildings and hear the new curriculum that will be taught in them.”
There will be different stations set up where faculty members talk about their buildings. The PCC will also go over all the EIR questions with the community.
“The community really wants to know their money is being used wisely,” said McCaslin.
The date for the open house will be on June 29 at 7 p.m.
More information about the Sasaki Group can be found at

For more information on the Master Plan and to view the document go to 

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