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Budget Committee Meeting

Tracy Jones Roundup

Budget Committee Meeting held September 7, 2010 1:30pm in the Administration

Conference room.

There is still much debated over Pierce Colleges’ budge disbursements. The committee

sits patiently, while waiting for unanswered questions from the variety of problems and

the lack of money that the school needs in order to benefits the teachers and students. The

committee had announced a new Grant writer, Patrick Slayer, a grant writing specialist

to help organize funding for our school. There’s still a lot of construction that is needed

at our school. The committee discusses the construction of a new performance art center.

The head architect Joe Seyen, displayed a slide show of ideas planned for the Performance

art center. He vividly showed the committee a bird eye’s view of a beautifully remodeled

decor of the center, explaining that it needs a variety of entrances and easy accesses

for wheelchair students. Seyan explained that the wood roof that covers the area was

getting old and needed to be remodeled. He also clarified that the auditorium was “to old

looking” and needed a more futuristic stadium look, with possibly an elevators, and a

new state of the art audio studio for the students. In spite of this, the construction of the

mall completion agenda seems to get further and further away from the projected finished

dated. The anticipated time has moved to late November. It seems as if they cannot finish

one job before starting another.

The committee said that” Recommend to the Pierce College Council the purchase of

the complete photocopier system for CopyTech as specified in [Their] handouts, at

a purchase price of $419,567 and first-year maintenance cost of $43,260, for a total

first-year cost of $462,827 and a total five-year cost for equipment and maintenance of

$635,867, including a five-year maintenance cost contract for $ 216,300. Larry Krause

joined the committee and distributed hard copies of documents titled” High Production

Photocopy Services.” He declares that when Pierce College receives donations of an old

and used copiers, the machine needs maintenance and it cost to keep them up is for more

money that to get a newer model. He used the analogy by saying” if you use any type of

electronic equipment it constantly needs to be fixed and taking care and that cost money a


Pierce budging isn’t going as well as the committee would like it to. Together with

parking and cafeteria fund there in a combines net loss of $413,459.Thats not very

good at all, especially with the declining sell’s of the book at the student book store.

Pierce Colleges’ book store is competing with other textbook stores or even the internet.

Students are buying book outside of Pierce College to obtain a cheaper and more

affordable text book. Consequently, Pierce is losing more and more money by the

competitors. In additional The Child Development department also suffers a deficit of

$138, 815.

Tracy Jones

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