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An eye for an eye leaves the world blind and bankrupt

Sydney Grossman / Roundup


Does an eye for an eye really leave the whole world blind?  Do two negatives always equal a positive? 

Gandhi may be right when addressing issues of war and hatred that exist between two opposing sides, and the mathematicians may be right on the mere fact that two negatives multiplied will always equal a positive.

However, is it possible that when a serial killer murders a family or an executioner takes the life of a murderer, both are in the wrong?

A law should never permit a human being to take the life of another.

The American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU, has brought to light that if the death penalty were to be abolished in California, the state would save over $1 billion over the course of five years.

The cost of sentencing a person to death is exponentially higher compared to a life sentencing without parole.

With access to the savings from cutting the death penalty, funding for University of California, California State University, and community college systems would be increased. 

There is no punishment grave enough to give to a murderer.  Execution is not just and there is no room for mistakes.  Killing a murderer is just as wrong and immediately takes away any possibilities for the prisoner to sit in a cell to think about their actions for the rest of their life.

This may be juvenile, but then again, those who don’t listen to the rules have to think about what they did.

Plus, there is no “uh-oh” injection to give the dead.

With more than 700 death row inmates and each prosecution costing more than $1 million dollars, according to the ACLU, it seems the only feasible and just way to begin to close the $20 billion budget gap in California is to abolish the law.

Furthermore, Arnold Schwarzenegger recently proposed building a new facility to house the death row inmates, which would cost an estimated $400 million.

More money is being spent and used for war costs and criminals while the money is running low for schools in California. Education seems to be more beneficial to the well-being of the state’s residents than funding laws which encourage murder and warfare. 

In addition to adding to the educational fund with the abolishment of the death penalty, there can be bigger classrooms, more teachers, and a higher acceptance rate for schools. 

The death penalty is wrong and unjust.  Eradicating the law in California will not only be an act of justice, but also provide a better education system for children and students to attend. 

It is more important to teach children and adolescents to love education than it is to spend millions of dollars on executing a human being.

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