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A message from the Roundup

It’s the end of another semester.


We here at the Roundup have quite a lot to look back on. It’s been an eventful few months, to say the least.


We’ve had a new college president, a new chancellor, a championship-winning volleyball team and our ASO president is leaving.


Yes, there’s been a lot going on for us to cover, and for the most part, we did a pretty good job.


But to claim that we were perfect would be nothing short of a lie.


We took some criticism early on for not giving enough coverage to our new president, and for other times our news judgment was less than perfect.


We received angry letters and e-mails from people who didn’t like how we covered events or what our columns and editorials said.


We heard from groups and teams who thought that they weren’t getting enough coverage, or that the coverage they were getting wasn’t good enough.


That’s not to say that we don’t want to hear these things. We want to hear what you have to say, especially when you don’t agree with us.


There’s one thing that everyone needs to remember about us.


We’re students.


We’re learning our craft the same way everyone else does. Hearing from you is one of the best ways for us to find our mistakes and fix them.


This year’s Roundup staff is no exception.


Every semester, we get a new batch of writers and photographers, many of whom have never done any work with a newspaper before, and have to learn everything on the fly.


Our editorial board is made up of mostly first-time editors who still have a lot to learn, and are eager to do so.


Every issue is a learning experience. We try to get better every week.


Next semester is going to be the same thing.


Soon, we will pick our new editor-in-chief, and our new editorial board will go to work, with a whole semester of experience under their belts.


We will keep working all winter to bring you the news the best that we can, and next semester we will start the whole process again.


We hope to maintain a level of excellence that we hope you all have come to expect of us.


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