Fashion Show (blurb)



Pierce College Student and singer Tabitha Starr wins first place in the Open Mic contest at the Back to School Brahama Style event on Wednesday.
While the nachos were what many students claimed to lure them in, the biggest hit of the entire show seemed to be Starr’s A Capella performance of Alicia Keys’ version of “New York” that had the crowed calling out for an encore. 
Afterwards, Starr said that although winning “felt good,” the true affirmation of her talent was when “the crowd asked [her] to sing again.” 

As the recipient of first place prize, Starr will be featured on a poster in the clothing section of the Student Store for two weeks.
The fashion show, Open Mic contest, and drink making contest, organized by Associated Students Organization (ASO) President Shani Simms, took place in the Great Hall.   Simms” called it a “big success,” possibly her best event to date.

To follow up on future ASO events add Pierce College ASO on Facebook.

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Academic senate meeting

The Academic Senate convened in the college services building to deal with some pressing Pierce College issues that affect both the student body and faculty.

             On the top of the agenda was the hiring of faculty members.  There will be eight faculty members that will be hired in the near future.

            “I brought up the scholarships because I didn’t think faculty knew that they could” said Kathy Oborn when talking about the student awards brunch committee.  She explained that the faculty is able to create scholarships as she and the Criminal Justice department had.            

International students brought up to the senate the fact that some international students are having issues getting classes. The problem is that these students need a certain amount of classes in order to stay in the school. If they are not able to take the minimum number of classes due to overcrowding, then their Visa will be terminated and they will have to return to their home country. One professor made a motion to have this issue dealt with explaining that the same problem is happening with some of the students that are in certain sports. If a class or lab falls on the same time that they have to have a sports meeting or practice then that student cannot take that class. With the issue of overcrowding and the fact that these students do not have priority registration, then their ability to be successful at Pierce College is diminished.

            One subject that frustrated those of the academic senate was the problem that there is a struggle between the teachers ability to add students and website. The teachers spoke of several issues that they had to face due to the flawed system of adding students. Each teacher has an allotment of students that they are able to add to each class with consideration to things like seats and the amount of gear that each student might need to take the class. The beginning of each semester is always flooding with students attempting to add classes, the ability for students to add classes through the computer system adds to the hysteria. The senate moved to have that ability forbidden and will work to remedy the situation in the future.


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