Pierce goes wireless

Student and staff are anxiously awaiting wireless internet access at Pierce.

This influence is a long awaited process… Remember it is 2010!

“You would think they would have access to wireless internet at school,” says, Erin Flynn Pierce student. “Especially since there are mandatory website login requirements such as moodle.”

Jill Binsley, Professor of Computer Applications, made a long awaited announcement that Pierce would soon be wireless. In the last Pierce College Academic Senate meeting Feb. 22 in the College service conference room.

Pierce is currently conducting budget research.

The cost of the project is unknown.

The schools budget contributes to a network that’s only Windows ’95 compatible- Windows ’95 was established years before wireless.

Something doesn’t make sense!  I thought so too.

How will wireless internet work on an out-of-date system?  
It won’t -this is unacceptable.

You must have a computer that is wireless compatable in order to connect to the internet, when we finally become wireless.

Long overdue isn’t the phrase, ridiculous is better. C’mon Even Starbucks, a coffee shop has wireless internet.

“We would like to have wireless throughout the campus,” says, Binsley. Unfortunately “the budget will only allow us to have internet in classrooms and major gathering areas.

Binsley made me aware that there will be two separate wireless connections.

One for Students and another for Staff.

It’s yet to be decided if professors should control the wireless access through a switch in the classroom.

“I would support the instructor having some sort of control in the classroom,” says, Jack Sterk, speech Professor.  But on the contrary “Outside of the class there shouldn’t be any restrictions.” 



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Doug mitchell Great hall speech NOT SO GREAT!

Doug Mitchell from NPR educates the Pierce College Community on how to market your self to be successful in multimedia/journalism.

 “It’s all about the relationship you’ve built and maintaining that relationship,” says Mitchell.

 This is a story of a not so successful creator of NPR’s online radio station. A now “independent” (unemployed) Journalist,  paid to motivate students has the time to speak of the best ways to market your self. This NOT SO GREAT speech was presented Feb 24 at 6 p.m in the Great Hall. 

You should take risks and chances, to be successful is what I got from his repetitive speech. The answers he gave were very generic.

If you have any common sense at all its not necessary to sit through an hour and a half speech to know that you have to try something to get it done.

He should currently have a successful radio station up and running before giving advice to anybody, let alone the Pierce community. Your only as good as your advisor.

What is the definition of success? I can tell you what is not…

Probably, actually definitely not a man that cant keep a radio station open.

 On the other hand … he did give us websites to go to

 The four steps Mitchell recommends to students when job hunting is first and foremost have public records of your work. Then you research the place you are applying to, also be sure to bring it to the attention of the company of interest that you have researched them.  Next you must always be honest, with yourself and your potential employer. Last but not least “never get discouraged,” says Mitchell.

 You are probably wondering how this “successful” career coach and project manager of a dying radion atation ended up at our school…

 Mitchell landed at Pierce College as a result of the hard work of Natalie Yemenidjian. Pierce radio station manager. They were both at an Online News Association Conference in San Francisco. Yemenidjian approached Mitchell and spoke about Internet radio and exchanged personal information. She contacted Mitchell within hours of their meeting. Her outgoingness and amazing follow up skills were intriguing.


In conclusion





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