Tracy Hernandez / Roundup
People today, especially the younger generation, are drawn to news that involves celebrities.
Things like what is the most recent tweet Justin Bieber posted? Or who did TMZ recently follow? Or who will be on the next issue of People Magazine?
People just love a good gossip. Especially when we see celebrities get in trouble with the law and there’s court trials or jail time involved. But when it’s all over do you ever get the sensation that the punishment wasn’t fair or enough?
Take Lindsay Lohan as an example, who allegedly shoplifted a $2,500 necklace.
She pleaded not guilty and is now free by just paying her bail. I’m sure if a regular person like me would do something like that I would be in jail right now.
But why? Why is it so easy for a celebrity to get away with the law? The answer is clear. Money.
Yes a lot of people answer to money. A punishment never really goes done to someone who has money.
My point is not only about Lindsay Lohan, there are many other celebrities that get away with the law in one way or another
Paris Hilton is just another one. She got arrested in Las Vegas for possession of cocaine in 2010. She was also sentenced to 40 days of jail time for violating her DUI probation back in 2006 but only spent 23 days in jail.
Not to mention another notorious celebrity Charlie Sheen. He’s been charged for domestic violence and has had countless encounters with the police and not once has he entered jail.
I myself have never been arrested for possession of drugs or for stealing a $2,500 necklace but I’m sure somewhere around the world there is someone who has and I’m confident they will tell you that no one went easy on their punishment.