James Hermon
Thursday 10- Virtuoso Music for the Violin
Thursday 17- Pierce Student Concert
Thursday 24- Brad Dutz/ Chris Wabic- percussion, performance/lecture/demonstration
Thursday 31- No Concert
Thursday 7- Arnold Schoenberg and his great String Trio lecture/performance
Thursday 14- UCLA Camarades: Music by LA Composers
Thursday 21- SPRING BREAK
Thursday 28- Kanae Matsumoto- piano
Thursday 5- Christian Nova- vice, Francis Garvey- piano “The Andree Expedition”
Thursday 12- Ambrose Aubrum- violin
Thursday 19- Music of Persia
Thursday 26- Pierce Student Concert
All performances are free and will be in the Performing Arts Building, PAB, room 3500. Doors open at 12:45 p.m. and closes at 1 p.m.