Sage Lynn / Roundup
Shortly following Monday’s debate between Dr. Pamela Brown and James McKeever, a candle light vigil was held at the Brahma statue on the Mall where approximately 100 students gathered to eulogize the death of the public education system.
“They try to kill it, killing hopes and dreams,” said McKeever. “It’s not dead, yet; [education] will die if we don’t hold vigil day after day, write our congress, and lend a voice.”
One after another, students told their stories of how grateful they are to be to attend a community college. Some were recent immigrants, children of recent immigrants, and a few were high school and even middle school dropouts.
Several faculty members attended the vigil from Pierce College as well as Los Angeles Valley College, and ASO President Daniel Axelrod was also in attendance.
The Associated Student Organization (ASO) also organized the protest march that occurred Monday afternoon.
The vigil ended with a proposal of a symposium series on activism by McKeever, which was positively received.
McKeever reminded the crowd that on April 1 at 1 p.m., Assembly Member Julia Brownly and State Senator Fran Pavley will be at the Great Hall to discuss “Fighting Budget Cuts to Defend Education.”
Directly after, McKeever will give a ?funeral? and ?eulogy? for education, Commemorating the Death of Our Education; A.S.O. President Daniel Axelrod has his candle lite by Proffessor James McKeever, right after students march on Victory Blvd Mar. 14, 2011. (Joseph Kukuczka 2011)
Proffesor James McKeever speaks out to Pierce College Students Mar. 14, 2011 in front of the Pierce College Brahma Bull on the center of PIerce College’s mall. The Great Hall was packed with students lined walls prior. (Joseph Kukuczka 2011)