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Disapearing Classes EDIT

Kevin Reynolds


The modern languages department at Pierce College is preparing to cut its English and American sign language (ASL) classes.

Currently Fall 2011 are being planned to continue as normal.  

However, the district is facing the possibility that without the tax extensions proposed by Governor Brown they will be forced to cut campus budgets by 15 percent across the board.

“I don’t understand why they are always cutting from education,” said Frank Gilmore a 22-year-old art major. “Why don’t they take money from welfare programs first.”

Foreign language classes such as Italian, Japanese, and French only have one class per level i.e. French 1, French 2, etc.  Therefore if one of these classes gets cut the entire program gets cut.   


“We don’t want to cut any programs if possible,” said Dean of media arts and modern languages Paul Waylan. “We don’t have any predispositions right now it’s all too nebulous.”

ASL and Spanish classes are more numerous and have a huge variety of classes and so have the most room to be cut, according to Franco department chair.

“If they lay off all the adjuncts who will teach the classes,” said Franco.

There are currently no official plans for the possible budget cuts according to Waylan. Because it is unknown exactly how extensive the cuts will be.

“When we get some direction we will begin meeting with (department) chairs,” said Waylan.


The school has already proposed a five percent cut by eliminating half of the summer classes and the next winter session according to Waylan.


“Education ceases to be a right and starts to be a luxury,” said Franco. “Traditionally when fees increase they don’t decrease,” said Franco.  “That’s why I supported the protest.”

Community college fees, like gas prices, and books have risen in recent years.

“It’s hard enough just trying to afford my classes,” said Jessie Schoolcraft a 24-year-old undecided major. “Now I have to worry about not being able to get into the classes I want.”

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