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Auditions begin for the musical “The Sideshow”

Auditions were held on Thursday Sept. 8, for the upcoming musical “The Sideshow,” which will be debuting in early December.

Liza Miranda is the first time stage manager for the production.
The musical is about Siamese twins that leave the circus and go to Hollywood.
There were several students waiting to audition in the hallway of the Performing Arts Building on Thursday.  Some were excited, like Ryan Thom, who had been practicing for the audition for a few days.
“I just want to be in a musical,” Ryan said.
 According to Liza Miranda, musical auditions are much harder then general play auditions.  The process sometimes lasts up to 30 minutes.
Zennetta Taylor, a dancer auditioning for a singing and acting role was nervous and excited.
“I hope I kick butt,” she said before she went in.

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