Letter to the Editor: lack of classes

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to your editorial column published on September 28, 2011 concerning the lack of classes during this fall 2011 term. My response to your editorial is not for, (sic) or against any of your statements made in the column, (sic) but I am rather taking this opportunity to add on a few more observations.

(sic) The first day of school Aug 29 saw a massive rush everywhere in (sic) campus with students trying desperately to add classes, (sic) (at least most of them seemed desperate). I witnessed in each class that I was enrolled in, the professor being in a serious dilemma in (sic) trying to make the best possible decision to accommodating (sic) all of the students.  However, adding 50 or so more students in addition to those 35 or 40 already enrolled, (sic) is a notoriously difficult position to be put in.

(sic) Many of the professors were clever enough to devise methods to get around the situation and in the end, it seemed like those students who sincerely needed those classes did get in, (sic) but they were barely a handful out of the 50 or so trying to add the class.

(sic)  My response today is not about those who were trying to add, (sic) but about those who are in the class and drop the moment they see the syllabus and the professor announces his first exam and his grading policy.

(sic) This is my second year in school and I have a 4.0 GPA with 60 units under my belt, (sic) without missing a single day of school in the past 1(sic) year, (sic) and therefore I feel I have the credibility to comment on students who are incapable of dealing with tough situations, (sic) and worse still, steal precious time from students who are willing to work hard, make sacrifices, and face the professors grueling syllabus. I have witnessed each semester students who are unworthy of the seat, (sic) taking up space the first day of class only to drop within the first 3 weeks. These students think (and probably some do) they have all the time in the world to finish 2 years of college. (sic) (I personally met one recently who has been in Pierce for the last 6 years) and end (sic) up stealing very precious time from students who want to finish lower division and transfer to a 4 (sic) year University. (sic)  The problem in this case, lies with the system that encourages these kinds of choices.

(sic) Classes get full with students who try their luck each and every semester hoping the instructor has lowered his or her standards, and if not, (sic) they can always drop and try another time.

(sic) My suggestion (sic) is (sic) that the once a student signs up for a class, (sic) and drops it between the second and third week, he or she must not be allowed to sign up for the same class for an additional term.  Professors must discuss their syllabus (sic) the very first day of class, and explain their requirements thoroughly so that students who feel they cannot cope up (sic) can make a quick decision.  This is a fairly easy procedure for the system to monitor, and in addition, (sic) counselors and professors can remind and warn students of the consequences of their decisions.  I am hoping that these (sic) will prompt some students to seriously consider the implications of signing up and dropping classes unceremoniously.

(sic) If there is no penalty for doing something that is harming others, this problem of limited space in class in never going to get resolved.  I am in Math 245, (sic) and in contrast to the first week, (sic) where I had 60 or more students in the class, I now have fewer than 25 remaining. There is a lot of space. Not (sic) sure where the students went. A friend of mine who desperately needed the class to transfer to a Nursing Program has not been delayed by a year simply because she could not add the class.


Written by:  Sylvia Dsouza

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