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ASO vice president ready for new role

The new Associated Students Organization (ASO) vice president is ready for his latest job post.

Shane Mooney started off as a senator last spring and has since then been chair of ASO’s Environmental and Public Welfare Committee, president of the French club, and vice president of the Political Science club.

The 26-year-old political science major was elected by the student senate Wednesday after the former ASO vice president, Febe Ruiz, had to take on the presidential role due to former ASO President Gabriel Mellibosky’s resignation.

Mooney’s transition from senator to vice president has been a smooth one with his ever increasing involvement in Pierce College’s student government.

“This is my second semester with the ASO. The first semester was pretty much just getting my feet wet, learning how the operation works,” he said.

As chair of the Environmental and Public Welfare Committee, Mooney organized events such as the Environmental Awareness Day last Thursday and a Heal the Bay beach clean-up this past Saturday.

After having become vice president he appointed his role as committee chair to ASO Senator Sharon Morgan, who ran the Environmental Awareness Day event.

Mooney was also one of the founding members of the Political Science club which was formed earlier this semester.

“This semester I feel like I was more involved,” said Mooney. “I followed Gabriel and Febe around, seeing how everything works. Now I know how everything flows and how to get things done.”

Now, as ASO’s vice president, Mooney is a voting member of ASO’s Finance Committee.

The committee votes on financial requests submitted by clubs and other committees to present to the senate, which gets the final say on which events should be funded by the ASO, such as the Halloween Feast and Environmental Awareness Day.

Mooney is also responsible for facilitating the weekly senate meetings where the ASO senate votes on these financial requests.

With only three weeks left in the Fall 2011 semester, Mooney’s primary focus is on getting his senators their 36 volunteer hours, which are required for them to earn recognition as student senators on their transcripts.

“I think he’s perfect for [the job],” said Brad Saenz, ASO faculty advisor. “There’s nobody else more qualified.”

Next spring, Mooney will be stepping up as the ASO’s President, with Ruiz transferring to Cal State University Northridge.

“I feel like I can come up with more events and really impact the students on campus, for the good,” said Mooney.

Fellow ASO executive board officers are supportive of Mooney’s new position.

“I wish him luck,” said ASO Treasurer Fernando Aquino. “He’s a really good person. He’s attentive, caring, and very knowledgeable – not to mention, he’s good-looking too.”


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