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Decision made for educational master plan

The Pierce College Educational Master plan was decided at Monday’s Academic Senate meeting.

The Educational Master plan is a document created by the Academic Senate that is a guideline of future planning addressing every aspect of the Pierce College curriculum.

Before voting on the plan Assistant Professor of History, Frank Chartrand, made a motion to maintain the discussion of the master plan for less than 20 minutes. .

“There is no emergency,” Instructor of Political Science Constance Koc,. in reference to choosing the decision on the master plan till a further date.

The plan that was approved by the senate will continue to be edited until the beginning on the spring semester.

During the meeting there was a motion by Wendy Bass to amend the master plan by having the ability to have an increased amount of Internet classes.

“I didn’t bring this up sooner because this wasn’t in the earlier document,” said Bass. “There is a need for increased amounts of Internet classes at Pierce.”

A motion to add a section for academic affairs in the long term goal section was made by instructor of political science Pam Brown.

She also wanted to add Chicano studies to pg.44 of the master plan and to have the business and economics student union added to the master plan.


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