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Restrictions on financial grant threatens students’ futures

The new limitations placed upon the Pell Grant should be revoked.


As of July 1, 2012 students will only be eligible 12 semesters during their lifetime for the Pell Grant.


The Basic Educational Opportunity Grant Program or simply the Pell Grant was created in 1972 to help undergraduate students with the cost of going to school.


According to the Federal Education Budget Project, recipients received an estimated average Pell Grant of $3,711 for the 2011-12 school year, when Congress had set the maximum grant at $5,550.


Determining the eligibility of a student is simple.


If a student is not able to match the maximum amount set by Congress that year, they receive a Pell Grant in order to meet the basic necessities.


Students use this money for things like books for classes, gas for their cars, and even rent.


With tuition going up and classes being cut the odds of students getting in and out of college in less than six years is slim, and now they have began to cut financial aid.


Personally, I work at a restaurant and make minimum wage, but I am able to barely make it through because of the tips I make.


Grants such as the Pell Grant help me make it on months that I have unexpected expenses, like the month that I need new tires for my car.


Students are coming to school to get an education, but with education becoming more expensive, financial aid is not a choice; it is something we have come to rely on.


The Roundup recently ran an article about the high salaries of college presidents.


It is interesting how California has money to pay the presidents of these public institutions but can not find the money to help students in financial troubles.


This is one of the many changes that will take effect on July 1.


Stafford Loans, verification for FAFSA, the automatic zero EFC, the Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver Program will also be changed due to the Consolidation Appropriations Act signed into law in December 2011 by President Obama.


To learn if your financial aid will be effected reach out to Financial Aid office on the second floor of the Students Services Building or by visiting their website

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