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To vote or not to vote

Attack advertisements. Policy discussions. Debates, rinse, and repeat.

It is that time yet again. The United States presidential election has rolled around and the question of Romney or Obama is now at the front of U.S. politics.

As Karl Marx once said, “The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”

We have come upon that time.

But many may be asking, “How are we oppressed?”

Simply put, people often take care of their own interests first, and the interests of the politicians are not in the interest of the majority of the working class.

In 2010, the average net worth of United States senators was $2.56 million, and 47 percent of the House of Representatives were millionaires according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

That same year, the United States’ number of millionaires hit 3.1 million, according to the annual World Wealth Report from Merill Lynch and Capgemini.

Though these numbers have decreased slightly in the last few years, it still holds true that a large portion of our government comes from the upper class.

How can we logically expect the bosses to represent the interests of workers?

So, when it comes to the question of voting, what are you to do?

For those of the conservative persuasion, you will already disagree with these conclusions and be content with your decision.

For those of the liberal or possibly even far left, you now have to make a choice.

Would you abstain in protest of the system?

No, this is not the way to go. Regardless if you disagree with the current system, giving up the little power you have as workers would be a mistake.

Vote. Definitely vote. But that does not mean you have to vote for the two major parties.

You might not like the idea of Romney or Obama as president, but perhaps you do not like the thought of Romney in the oval office even more so.

You may feel the need to pick the lesser of two evils.

Rest your weary mind.

California’s electoral college members have consistently chosen Democratic candidates over the last two decades and beyond, according to the National Archives and Records Administration.

With your fears now stifled, another question arises.

Is a vote for a third party a waste of a vote?

A vote is never wasted, so long as you are voting with your conscience.

If a larger number of voters were to pick third party candidates, it could show other voters that third parties are a viable alternative and maybe even shore up support over the lumbering major parties.

Though third party candidates, even if elected, would really do little to change the current political system, it is important that opposition to the system is shown in the ballots in order to show politicians and proponents of maintaining the status quo that there is a rising tide of dissidence.

What is really important, though, are the propositions. These propositions have the potential to effect each and every student’s life. Even if you abstain from picking presidential candidates, the propositions should be given special consideration.

So get out and vote, exercise the power you have and be heard, and try and bring about some real change for once.





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