Person detained after assault on professor

  1. Just saw 3 cops taze this black outside my class. Dude was screaming like crazy, and now theres cops everywhere! Firetrucks and cop cars too
  2. It’s a mad house at Pierce right now. People are everywhere looking at what’s going down. Can’t believe I have to watch from in class
  3. BREAKING NEWS: Student was detained in the village for possible assault. More details to come.
  4. This guy kicked out the window! @ Los Angeles Pierce College
  5. BREAKING NEWS: At approximately 9 a.m., a student was detained for a possible assault in Village 8209.More details to come.@PierceCollegeCA


Update// Monday, March 4, 2013 @ 3 p.m.

According to Associate Vice President of Administrative Services Larry Kraus, the suspect was not a Pierce College student and was trying to attack a student in Village 8209.

Kraus stated that the student had a restraining order against the suspect.

“I think it was a girlfriend, there was a restraining order against the suspect,” Kraus said.

A “scuffle” between the suspect and the adjunct professor, Michael Schlif, that was teaching the class at the time, happened inside the classroom because the suspect attempted to attack the student.

During the incident the individual threatened both Schlif and the student with death and bodily harm.

“Police showed up as soon as possible,” Kraus said, “fairly quickly.”

According to witnesses the individual smelled like alcohol, but Kraus could not confirm if the individual was under the influence of any substance.

“This is a very serious incident. We will be looking at it very carefully,” Kraus said. “The investigation is on-going and it’s going to take a little time.”

End of update //

Update // Monday, March 4, 2013 @ 2:30 p.m.

Vice President of Administrative Services Rolf Schleicher was unavailable to comment on the incident earlier today, but his assistant Linda Solar informed the Roundup that Larry Kraus would be in his office later today with more information regarding the incident.

Sheriff Deputy Guerrero was also unavailable for comment and informed the Roundup through his front desk that Larry Kraus would have the report on the incident.

End of update //

An individual was detained Monday morning and broke the rear passenger window of a sheriff’s patrol car near the Village.

The man who appeared to be in his late teens or early 20s was detained after assaulting English professor Michael Schilf, according to multiple witnesses at the scene.

Schilf was questioned by the Roundup, but did not want to comment.

Sheriff’s officials also declined to provide additional details about the incident and told the Roundup to contact Associate Vice President of Administrative Services Larry Kraus.

Kraus told the Roundup “I don’t have any information.” He added “[This is being] treated as a police issue, until that is worked out, I have no response.”

According to Beatriz Sanchez, 27, a student in the classroom next door, she could hear Schilf ordering someone to “get out.” Sanchez left her classroom after hearing Schilf’s voice.

It took four Sheriff’s deputies to detain the individual according to Sanchez.

Once inside the patrol car the man kicked out the window. Afterward he stuck his head out the window and began shouting.

At one point, a student on Twitter by the name of @frankiemanes tweeted: “Just saw 3 cops taze this black outside my class. dude was screaming like crazy, and now theres cops everywhere! Firetrucks and cop cars too.”

The same student also wrote on Twitter, “It’s a mad house at Pierce right now. People are everywhere looking at what’s going down. Can’t believe I have to watch from in class.”

Afterward he was taken out and placed on a stretcher.

Once outside, Sanchez said she saw the individual punch Schilf.