Pierce’s president on leave due to ‘personal reasons’

[Updated on May 17, 2013 @ 10:18 a.m.]

President Burke-Kelly, who attended the faculty tenure celebration Thursday evening, has been back from her leave since Wednesday, May 15.

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[Updated on May 15, 2013 @ 11:34 p.m.]

Kathleen Burke Kelly is still not back from her leave, but she has been available for consultation with the college’s senior staff, according to Alma Johnson-Hawkins, acting president.

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[Updated on April 10 @ 1:45 p.m.]

The Pierce College president is currently on leave for approximately a month due to health issues.

Kathleen Burke-Kelly, Pierce’s president for nearly three years, began her leave of absent last week and is expected to return on April 28, according to Academic Senate President Tom Rosdahl.

“With the spring break, I was able to attend to a personal health issue on April 2. This will require me to be away from the college to recover for the month of April, and possibly part of May,” Burke-Kelly said in a statement in the First Monday Report for April 2013.

The statement did not specify the nature of the health issue, nor were sources able to provide that information.

In the meantime, Vice President of Academic Affairs Anna Davies is serving as interim president until April 12, while Alma Johnson-Hawkins, vice president of student services, will be taking over as acting president from April 15 through May 3.

Rosdahl said that he heard about the president’s absence from an email sent to him by Burke-Kelly’s secretary late last week.

Cheryl Smith, executive assistant to the president, confirmed this, saying that the email went out only to the school’s management team and various committee leaders on April 2.

“It’s a personal matter. [The email] didn’t need to be broadcast,” Smith said.

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Pierce College’s president is taking a four week leave due to personal reasons, according to school officials.

Kathleen Burke-Kelly, Pierce’s president for nearly three years, began her leave last week and is expected to return on April 28, according to Academic Senate President Tom Rosdahl.

Rosdahl said he heard about the president’s absence from an email sent to him by Burke-Kelly’s secretary late last week.

“I’m assuming it’s a family or personal emergency,” he said.

In the meantime, Vice President of Academic Affairs Anna Davies is serving as interim president until April 15.

For the rest of the president’s absence, Alma Johnson-Hawkins, vice president of student services, will be taking over as acting president, according to Rosdahl.

For the full story, check back at theroundupnews.com.