Skateboarding and bike riding on campus may be a faster way to get through the school, but it’s a nuisance if you’re not on wheels.
It’s a burden to predict routes of oncoming traffic from people traveling at higher speeds. The mere sound of an illicit skateboarder’s wheels instills fear — and hope – that you’ll choose the right direction as they casually glide past you and hopefully not into you.
Bike riding on campus has its dangers, too. Our parking lots mimic any “Fast and the Furious” flick and many bike riders assume full safety zones as they fly from campus walkways into the lots. On many occasions you can hear the slamming of brakes and horns as near accidents are averted from bike riders carelessly crossing into driving lanes.
From teachers moving desks to store multiple bicycles in classrooms that takes time away from students and teaching, to innocent students crashed into by skateboarders hurrying to class through the halls and walkways, and countless “near accidents” on the mall with students merely trying to make their way to class in the easiest way possible– there’s a reason Pierce has issued a no skateboarding or bicycling law on campus.
To further infuriate those without a bike or board, it seems there is rarely a discussion, let alone punishment, for those who break the rules of no skateboarding or bike riding on campus.
While biking and skateboarding have health and time advantages, the people using these methods of transportation on campus need to understand that our student body is comprised of over 20,000 busy people who don’t have time to factor in the negligence of others’ rule breaking habits. Set your alarm two minutes earlier in the morning and save the rest of the campus the unnecessary stress of dodging your wheels.