People in the modern world communicate electronically. However, Pierce College students still add classes during the semester the old fashioned way – they turn in
Year: 2014
Pre – SIA Expo
Pierce College will be hosting its second free Science, Imaging and Astronomy Expo for all ages with new exhibits including Zooniverse, several planetarium shows and ending
Thursday Concert Los Angeles Baroque Players
The Los Angeles Baroque Players cut through a dry autumn afternoon like a smooth breeze on Oct. 2, performing a number of classical
Player of the week: Chelsea Lawrence (Oct. 6)
Freshman volleyball player Chelsea Lawrence is enjoying her first year as part of the women’s volleyball team. Lawrence, 18, is a recent graduate from Highland
Former Pierce football star heading to new heights
The Pierce College football legacy went head to head on Saturday when two former Brahmas met to face each other in the Los Angeles Memorial
Pierce College football player performs trick shots
Pierce College Long Snapper Blake Word and Kicker Jamie Sutcliffe perform trickshots together in John Shepard Stadium. Edited and reported by Megan Moureaux
Improvements shown despite loss
For Pierce College’s football team things could only get better after the previous two abysmal weeks of back to back routs. It did get better,
Close but no win
The Pierce College women’s volleyball team fell to the Santa Barbara City College Vaqueros in the Western State Conference opener held at Pierce on Friday,
Goals are written on her Paige
Paige Wolny striker for Pierce Women Soccer team, poses for a Photo during team practice. Wolny who live in Saudi Arabia for 10 years, is
Pierce College Admissions and Records lines wrap around building
Pierce College students who added classes during fall semester’s first two weeks waited in hour-long lines that wrapped halfway around the Student Services building. Some