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Drop fails aren’t as bad as W’s

The big question that comes to mind by many students is, “Should I take a fail or drop and get a W?” It’s a big debate and the decision may not be easy.

Taking a fail in a class is something that any student doesn’t want. Especially if they are paying for that class. However, taking a fail does have its benefits.

If you fail a class, it’s not the end of the world. A student should admit why they failed the class and move on. Since you’re in college you are there to learn. Failing a class happens to the best of students.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. Some colleges give up to three tries to make up a class a student didn’t do well in.

A fail and a “W” are two things no student wants to have on their student record. However, a fail can be made up to three times. The student however must get that class out of the way or they can’t make it up after.

Failing a class might be bad simply because it might make the student feel awkward, embarrassed, and unsure if they can succeed in college.

Taking a fail can make the student a better learner. It can help the student understand his or her self better. It can be a kick in the pants the student needs to do better, not just in the class they failed. Also for any classes the student takes in the near future.

Just because the student failed, doesn’t mean they ruined their lives. Or think they are in a disastrous situation. He or she just can take away the good from what is undeniably a bad situation.

People who fail classes live normal lives, are healthy people, and are happy. Even though it’s overwhelming in the moment, students should not stress themselves out.

Students can overcome this situation. Just learn not to repeat it in the future. Instead of pounding on the chest and stressing yourself and your loved ones, there are many benefits a student can take from this.

Meanwhile, withdrawing from a class can be more challenging. When a student withdraws from a class the W appears on the transcript. If a student withdraws from a class, the potential employers can question their commitment to the job. Employers believe they might not be committed and may not hire them.

Failing a class may hurt the GPA, but students can request for it not to be counted when they move on.

Even if it’s not recommended, taking a fail can be more beneficial than a W.

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