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Beyond Farmwalk/Open House discussed at council meeting

A new policy on the use of golf carts was addressed at the Pierce College Council (PCC) meeting on Thursday, March 24, that brought concern to several committee members.

Alfred Guerrero, team leader of the Sheriff’s Department, reported that there is to be no unauthorized drivers or escorts on golf carts.

Last Friday a letter was sent by the district regarding a new mandate that put strict rules on whom may drive golf carts on campus.

According to Guerrero’s report, golf carts are to be used for work duties only.

“Our sheriff’s department can do it, our cadets can do it, not unauthorized passengers,” Guerrero said.

The new adopted policy has already  caused a push back and opposition within the committee. Members were asked to be patient, as there might be changes to come.

“It’s going to be challenging for us now to serve our students,” Earic Dixon-Peters, vice president of student services, said.

Kathleen Burke, President of Pierce College, was not familiar with the new mandate from the district.

“I’m not aware of the policy, so I have no comment,” Burke said.

The committee also discussed Pierce’s upcoming Open House on Sunday, April 17 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

The Open House, also known as the Farm Walk will be a free event for the community and have music and food. It is out to reach new students to enroll at Pierce College.

Larry Kraus, associate vice president of Pierce College, talked about using “passports” to encourage guests to gather information from different departments.

“Our guests will get stamps from each area they visit and hopefully gain excitement, and enlist to join us in an education,” said Kraus.

Guests will be eligible for prizes such as a “swag bag”, a $10 gift card to Starbucks, and more. KIIS FM, the radio station, will be joining Pierce as well.

60 to 70 tents are expected to be set up for the upcoming event, including 2 chairs for each department. Water bottle will be available, and food will be sold.

“We are going to generate a lot of fun,” Kraus said.


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