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Club feature: Pre Vet club

The goal of the Pierce college Pre-Veterinary club is to  help current pre-vet students to achieve their goal of being accepted to vet school by providing information and resources.

Pierce College’s Pre-Veterinary program is one of the most unique two-year programs out there; having articulation agreements with UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and several other colleges across the nation, Pierce pre-veterinary students are granted access to apply directly into graduate veterinary school after completing the AS degree at Pierce College, along with completing an upper division genetics course at a four-year institution.

Ensuring that Pierce students receive as much hands-on experience as possible as Pre-Veterinary students, Pierce college has established the Pre-Vet Club which has several attractions and events that are available to students in the pre-vet program. Pre-vet majors are encouraged to participate in the pre-veterinary club as it demonstrates their dedication to helping others in their profession.

The pre-vet club is also a place where pre-vet majors can come and get help for some of the more challenging classes they are taking. “The club is a perfect place for new students to come and get help from other students who have possibly taken the class that they are currently in before. We want to help each other grow and meet our goals.” states club Vice-president Casie Lew

Jamie Bizzini,19, is a pre-vet major first year participating in the pre-veterinary club.  “I thought this would be a way for me to be more involved in our veterinary program at pierce,” Bizzini said.

The club president Candace Stines 21, who will be attending UC San Diego to major in microbiology feels that the club is a very important part of the veterinary program. “We are very diverse, we have a lot of people who have been here for a few years and are waiting to apply to vet school,” Stine said.  

The pre-vet club does a lot of extracurricular activities outside of the classroom. The club participates in annual trips. One of these trips includes an annual trip to UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, where they tour multiple facilities at the veterinary school and have the opportunity to sit in on a few of the third-year classes to get a glimpse at what veterinary school is really like.

The club also throws various fundraisers throughout the year to help raise money for the Pierce College farm. Last year the club raised more than $33,000.

“We do a lot for the community. The club participates in various programs. One in particular called ‘Walking Shield’ which is a program where students fill backpacks with toiletries for over 200 Native American children across the United States,” Stine said.

During the spring semester, the club starts making preparations for Beyond Farmwalk/ Open House. The Open House brings faculty, staff, and students together to provide information and public demonstrations from Automotive Technology and Fine Arts to Physics and Veterinary Science.

The Pierce College Pre-Veterinary club meets every Thursday in Room CFS 91126 between 5:30-6:45 pm

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