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Theater preview: Waiting for Godot

Two wanderers wait by a lonely tree in hopes of meeting Mr. Godot and instead meet an eccentric couple in the upcoming production of Waiting for Godot.

This dramatic-comedy premiered on January 5, 1953 in Paris, France. Since then, many theatres have performed this timeless classic.

Pierce College is next to perform the classic with Valorie Grear directing. Waiting for Godot is fully designed by students. The set designer, Vanessa Stewart, worked in great detail since the start of the semester.

“The show was cast in January,” said theater manager Michael Sande. “Full cast rehearsal started the first week of school.”

This is the first time in the 13 years that Sande has worked at the school, that a play has had four student designers.

“We have some students that really excel and we wanted to put their talent to work,” Sande said.

The costume designer, Maeve Kiely, started her work once the play was cast.

“I had concepts before casting but everything was solidified once I had the bodies.” Kiely said.

Nothing is set in stone when it comes to a play. Lighting, sound, sets, costumes and more can change as time goes on before the final product comes to light.

Lighting designer, Cynthia Ayala, had worked and made changes to her design since she first started on it during the second week of school.

“I went to my first production meeting the first week before school started and the scenes weren’t set in stone so I started once the set ideas were done,” Ayala said. “I was able to start the lighting during the second week. This is my first time designing at Pierce.”

Ayala has experience with two other productions, as well as being an assistant lighting designer on a third.

This production of Waiting for Godot has been entered in a national competition conducted through the Kennedy Center. The production crew and actors may have rehearsals that last at least six hours long but the show itself runs two hours.

“It means a lot to the school for students who are working towards careers in these fields to be able to be a part of something like this.” Kiely said.

Stewart’s set design has been entered into the American College Festival, a national festival that celebrates art.

The show begins March 25 and runs through April 3, with varying times for each day and is located in the Dow Arena Theatre.

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