With the September chill in the air, clubs rush to get organized for their biggest recruiting event of the semester. It is time for Club Rush.
Students have the opportunity to visit booths set up by clubs along the Mall Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students can participate in activities and enjoy snacks that will be provided to them free of charge.
“I’m really interested to see what kind of clubs we have available this year,” anthropology major Danny Villegas said. “One of my friends is trying to start up a political science club which is something I’ve never heard of so I thought that was really really cool.”
Associated Student Organization President Barbara Lombrano said that the ASO would also have their own table set up during the event for students to stop by.
“We ordered these huge outdoor games like Connect Four and a bunch of different games so that we can draw more attention for what’s going to be going on,” Lombrano said.
According to ASO Club Council President André Necochea, they are going have buckets of treats on both days and distribute it out to the organizations for students.
Necochea said there will be about 50 clubs featured at Club Rush.
“We had 49 clubs last semester that chartered,” Lombrano said. “This year ASO is hoping to have more than 50 clubs chartered.”
Pierce College Hiking Club, an active organization on campus since fall of 2014, is more than ready to meet new faces.
Secretary for the Hiking Club Tony Solorzano, who is in charge of public affairs, said the club plans to display photos of hiking trips members who have participated in the past to interest potential members into joining their organization.
“Our club’s dream is to basically bring the outdoors to Pierce and to make walking and exercise fun for others to enjoy,” Solorzano said.
Although Club Rush is in full swing, students can still charter clubs by filling out an application and turning it in by September 22 to the ASO office underneath the library.
In addition, Lombrano said that clubs may now be chartered for a full year instead of one semester.
“It use to be that clubs had to recharter every semester, being fall and spring, but now we have it if they charter in the fall and are going to be active in the spring they don’t have to go through the whole packet of recharting in the spring,” Lombrano said. “They just update their information.”
For more information about clubs visit booths during Club Rush or visit Pierce College’s website and search clubs to find additional information for meeting locations and times.
“Some new clubs are joining already. I have been working with students to make the new clubs,”said Necochea.