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Clinton campaign

This year’s election, through the fault of both candidates and “big politics”, has been reduced to reality TV despite the very real consequences we are forced to live with after the dust has settled. While smear campaigns are just par for the course, most of the mud has been flung by the Donald and his ever-eager, less-than-tactful supporters.

While name-calling and ad hominem are the two lowest tiers on Graham’s hierarchy of argumentation, Hillary Clinton’s relevant experience in public office has been completely disregarded and, thankfully, Trump’s “Nasty Woman” insult has been spun, and proudly worn by her supporters.

The blatant disrespect Clinton has had to endure during this campaign is shocking. What’s more, is that she’s been forced to take these insults in stride. Sure, her long career in politics has helped her maintain composure, and yet, Clinton didn’t have the luxury of throwing a fit or stomping and shouting about every single injustice committed against her. Being a woman, any ounce of emotion or tone in her voice would be twisted and warped to perpetuate the sexist “irrational woman” stereotype. This handicap is what turned all the debates into a circus show.

Another aspect Trump supporters conveniently forget, is the fact that all of our living ex-presidents warned the American public against the regrettable republican nominee. Clinton has even received the endorsement of her former opponent, Bernie Sanders.

Even in the midst of an FBI investigation being reopened days before the polls opened, Clinton’s campaign was able to put out the fires being fueled by the radical right.

The touring style of both candidates also speaks volumes. Many first hand accounts describe Hillary’s rallies as calm, yet energetic, and flowing with an inclusive energy. While those interested in experiencing what a Trump rally entailed became truly terrified when they realized that the amphitheaters Trump’s campaign rented out were filled people who truly bought into the racist rhetoric, and all the small children who carried signs with hateful messages don’t know what they said because they haven’t learned to read yet.

Hillary Clinton has to be given some credit. For the better part of a year, she’s had to, as we’ve all had to, take Donald Trump seriously. A career politician, who’s endlessly qualified, has had to contend with, a foul-mouthed, climate-change-denying, failed businessman who decided one day, out of the blue, to run for President of the United States.


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