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Come to class, learn on glass

Innovations in technology changed the methods instructors use to teach the material.  

At first chalk, then whiteboards, which were pushed aside by projectors and computers, will now be upgraded to high-tech glass for instructors to use in their classes.  

The Academic Senate met for its final meeting of the semester on Monday, Dec. 4. Members met with cheery spirits and cookies at the door, and began discussing items on the agenda with information about new technology coming to campus.

Before Title V funding was cut, they were able to use the funding for the Learning Glass, which is LED lighting on low-iron glass that creates a transparent whiteboard, Distance Education Coordinator Wendy Bass said.

Matt Anderson, a physics instructor from San Diego State University, developed this technology and will be leading a campus workshop this month.

“I think that it will help instructors better explain concepts to students online in a more understandable way,” Bass said.

With a neon marker in hand, the instructors face the audience while writing on the Learning Glass board. This approach improves audience engagement in both live and online presentations, Bass said.

After Bass announced plans for the incoming technology, Shannon Krajewski, of the College Professional Development Committee, said they are gearing up toward student success.

The committee is looking forward to coming back in February and help make a plan for teachers to do the best teaching they can.

“At this stage, we are looking for as much feedback as we can possibly get from the Academic Senate so we can bring it back and make a more clear plan to execute,” Krajewski said.

The next Academic Senate is in February 2018.

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