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Club Rush is a must

Club Rush is back to show off what Pierce College’s extracurriculars have to offer.

Changes came to Club Rush last semester to establish a “fun feel,” they are trying to convey that same vibe from last semester to continue the tradition.

Under the Associated Students Organization’s president, Efren Lopez, and his student government some changes were made to increase the turnout of not only students.

ASO Club Council President Kosar Afsari said this influenced her decision to move the location of Club Rush.

“What we’ve done differently from past clubs rushes and other ASO’s is we no longer have them stretched out throughout the mall.” Efren Lopez said. “It’s more in the hub in the middle of campus, which kind of had this more enclosed party, festival kind of thing.”

This decision came to life by way of Afsari who said it helped allow more clubs to fit in the space and took advantage of a nice area on campus.

“We don’t have enough canopies so I could totally use this shade for more clubs and it’s more like a wider situation and the whole background looks really good with the logo in the middle,” Afsari said. “It’s also closer to ASO for students to carry the canopies and the chairs and the tables because we don’t want to torture them.”

Afsari is hoping for more clubs to be involved, but has a thought on how it may turn out.

“Last semester we had around 60, I’m expecting the same,” Afsari said. “A few, I already know are not coming back because their presidents are transferring and the club is just demolished and they don’t care enough to pass it on, but i’m trying to get people to sign up for those clubs as well.”

Freshman Christian Lopez is completing his first year and saw the clubs set up last semester, but was not sure he wanted to join any at the time.

“It was my first semester. It was a little unexpected,” Christian Lopez said. “I didn’t think community colleges had that vibe, but now I’m hoping to find somewhere to fit in. I’m undecided in my major, but maybe a club can give me a sense of which direction to go.”

Efren Lopez hopes to bring the clubs closer to ASO and have them more involved than in the past.

“We really want work more on outreach and talking to the other clubs and have them connected to ASO and not only club council,” Efren Lopez said.

The most important goal of Club Rush for the spring is to reach students and keep clubs available on campus to give a feeling of community.

“Like always, new clubs. Clubs to be present to students so students can not just be academically good, but can be involved on campus,” Afsari said.

Club Rush takes place along the Mall on Wednesday, Feb. 28 and Thursday, March 1, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

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