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Online job fair

As the holiday season approaches, it’s fair to assume that entry-level jobs will need more workers. 

Pierce should consider having an online job fair with local jobs to get unemployed students hired.

Applying to jobs online can be tricky but having a virtual space for employers to recruit students would make it easier.

While the Pierce website offers online job and internship boards, scrolling through job listings and submitting a portfolio doesn’t allow students to explore different career options and paths the same way that listening to someone in a specific job or field does. 

During a job fair, students can directly ask questions to employers and industry professionals. This makes it easier for students to determine which path is right for them. 

Students can also drop off their resumes and portfolios to potential employers. 

California State University Northridge (CSUN) will hold a virtual career fair in Spring 2021 for students to connect with employers and get jobs through

Pierce can implement a similar event to help students find work. 

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