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COVID-19 update page

As students and faculty return to campus during the ongoing pandemic, they should have access to the latest updates, mandates and outbreaks. 

Pierce College could have a page of its website dedicated to daily or weekly COVID-19 briefs. The school’s website could provide information on Pierce’s vaccination and testing policies. 

Pierce could also direct staff and scholars toward resources to receive either vaccinations or testing. The school could offer information on reported COVID-19 cases on campus, so students and faculty can remain aware and protected from the virus.

Los Angeles Valley College offers an in-depth page on their website regarding recent COVID-19 updates. The college’s website includes information on testing and vaccination mandates for staff, students and visitors. Valley also has the dates and times for when these policies will take effect. 

Underneath the testing and vaccination policies, LAVC offers students and faculty a link to free on-campus vaccinations, for their first, second and even third vaccine doses. LAVC provides the dates and times these resources are available.

LAVC also has a section dedicated to important announcements, including federal stimulus awards and emergency grants available to students because of the financial hardship that the pandemic had on many students. 

On Santa Monica College’s website, there is a section that indicates how many students or faculty have reported cases of COVID-19 on and off-campus. SMC also has its plans and guidelines for returning to campus regarding vaccines, social distancing and mask policies. 

California State University Northridge has the total number of COVID-19 cases on campus on its website.

Pierce should offer this service to help students be aware of the changing policies and guidelines regarding the continuing pandemic. This website page could allow the college’s community a sense of security and safety because they have access to the latest information on COVID-19. 

Updates can help everyone comply with mandates as they receive extensive details regarding regulations.


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