The Pierce College Career Transfer Center (CTC) held workshops via Zoom for students planning to transfer.
The event invited several mentors, including Lorena Rivera, who gave advice and tips on filling out applications and applying for internships.
Rivera said that sometimes it takes a while to receive a decision from universities after submitting an application.
“Unfortunately after applying, the dreaded wait time begins,” Rivera said.
Rivera also said that students should review their financial aid status and their intent to register after receiving an admission offer because the timing is crucial.
CTC mentor Jennifer Koerner said that if a student is rejected from their top choice, they should have a safety school and backup plan.
Rivera encouraged students to utilize their time efficiently.
“Get experience in your fields such as part-time jobs, internships, and research experience,” Rivera said. “These are all really helpful tools that you can use to only increase your chances to not only get accepted, but also for work experience.”
For jobs, Pierce students won’t have to scourge on Linkedin. Koerner said that through BrahmaJOBS, students would be able to keep an eye out on opportunities from places closeby.
“BrahmaJOBS is an online job and internship board available to current students and alumni provided by Pierce College,” Koerner said. “It offers jobs by local employers and is completely free.”
The next transfer workshop will be held on March 16 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.