“I do not stress. Honestly, stressing is the biggest way to mess up your finals. Studying won’t improve your performance if you’re stressed.”-Joseph Esten
“Caffeinate, which is probably not as healthy as it should be, but caffeinate. Read the textbook a lot and take a lot of notes on things I already took notes on. The best strategy for me is just going back in my notes and writing over them with Post-its, adding more stuff to what I already studied.” –Tiana Gregoryona
“I try to find out what’s on the final and work with other students and see what they’re doing. Reach out to the teacher, sometimes they’ll hint at specific questions.” –Eden Chen
“I would go on Canvas and read the instructions and then, let’s say it’s an essay, I would do an outline and then do the final one.” –Penelope Hernandez
“Just study, go over everything we’ve been learning, and probably just do some test questions here or there. That’s about it.” –Osiris Gonzalez
“I make sure I eat good, drink good water and I cram a lot, if I’m being honest. Yeah, that’s just how I work.” –Kenny Chan
“Draw an outline like three weeks ahead about a study plan, and then the week before, go over it and just review. Then three days before really go in-depth, and then that’s really it.” –Keneth Higgins