Proactive measures Fabiola Carrizosa 2 years ago Pierce’s 2nd active shooter training provides useful emergency protocol measures. Sheriff’s deputy Michael Sampson speaks at the active shooterdrill in Building 600 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., onMay 11, 2023. This drill was open to faculty, staff and students. Photo by Owen Meza. Librarian Lisa Valdez inquires to deputy Michael Sampson on how the library can bebetter prepared for an active shooter scenario with the help of the Sheriff’s departmentin Building 600 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on May 11, 2023. Photo by Wyatt Sanchez Director of Plant Facilities Paul Nieman brings a table to the door during the barricadebuilding drill in the active shooter training in Building 600 at Pierce College in WoodlandHills, Calif., on May 11, 2023. Photo by Wyatt Sanchez Student services employee Ozzy Portillo barricades a door during the active shooter drill in Building 600 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on May 11, 2023. This drill was open to all faculty, staff and students. Photo by Owen Meza. Autotech professor Alex Villalta and outreach coordinator Julia Mendoza watch as student services employee Ozzy Portillo attempts to barricade a door during the active shooter drill in Building 600 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on May 11, 2023. This drill was open to all faculty, staff, and students. Photo by Owen Meza.