Pierce College women’s basketball annihilated Santa Monica City College Corsairs 89-60 on Nov. 29.
Pierce guard Derricka Millinghaus led the team in scoring with 29 points.

Millinghaus explained she put time in her shots, putting in work every day.
“I’ve been a shooter my whole life and I shot my way into championships,” Millinghaus said. “If I have the opportunity to make the last shot in the last 10 seconds, I will be the clutch shooter.”
Santa Monica College was short handed and missing their best player on their team, which added to the Brahmas winning streak of five games.
Coach Thara Innocent explained how her players successfully outplayed Santa Monica.
“We were able to work together as a unit, everybody was in the game, we were able to rotate them in and out,” Innocent said. “We were trying to get as many repetitions as possible in order to get experience for future games.”
Innocent also said what they still need to work on is their practices.
“Implementing what we do in practice for games is the hardest thing because we do everything in practice, but we also have to do that in the games,” Innocent said.
Innocent also said how things are different when it comes to both games and practices.
“Sometimes when the game lights are on some folks get a little nervous and a little jittery, but it’s all part of the experience,” Innocent said.
Pierce guard Chassen Gutierrez had 13 points, 8 steals, 0 turnovers, with 3 rebounds and assists.

Gutierrez played defense on her opponent telling one of her teammates that she can get the job done.
“We did a good job on incorporating all of our players, which I think is really good for everyone that made a difference,” Gutierrez said. “Everyone got to experience the floor.”
Pierce women’s basketball’s next home game is Saturday, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m.