Caballero brothers perform trampoline and hand to hand acrobatics with Caballero Circus on the Pierce College campus in Woodland Hills, Calif., on March 22, 2024. Photo by Veronica Rosas.
Circus has been a tradition in the Caballero family for six generations.
As traveling circus artists, the family of performers live in trailers set up behind the circus tent and move to a new city every couple weeks, and from March 21-31, their home base is Pierce College.
The performers do everything from putting up the tent, building the set, rigging their equipment, taking tickets and performing in the show.
The children raised in this traditional circus family learn how to clown, play instruments, ride motorcycles and perform high-level acrobatic skills.
Before going on stage to perform, acrobats collect tickets, sell refreshments and take photos with audience members.
Circuses may be filled with flashy stunts and non stop excitement, but the professional performers could be seen backstage remaining calm and focused.
An audience waits outside of Caballero Circus on the Pierce College campus in Woodland Hills, Calif., on March 22, 2024. Photo by Veronica Rosas.
Anru Caballero (L) and Nikita Caballero (R) entertain the audience at Caballero Circus on the Pierce College campus in Woodland Hills, Calif., on March 22, 2024. Photo by Veronica Rosas.
Paloma Torresoto performs a Flying Pole act with Caballero Circus on the Pierce College campus in Woodland Hills, Calif., on March 22, 2024. Photo by Veronica Rosas.
Catalina Miquel performs a hula hoop act with Caballero Circus on the Pierce College campus in Woodland Hills, Calif., on March 22, 2024. Photo by Veronica Rosas.
Caballero brothers perform trampoline and hand to hand acrobatics with Caballero Circus on the Pierce College campus in Woodland Hills, Calif., on March 22, 2024. Photo by Veronica Rosas.
Nataly Miquel performs an Aerial Silk act with Caballero Circus on the Pierce College campus in Woodland Hills, Calif., on March 20, 2024. Photo by Veronica Rosas.