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Shoutout for sports and student clubs

Empty seats and empty classrooms should not be the case when a sports event occurs on campus.

Pierce College promotes events frequently, and while sports and student-led events are promoted, they can be publicized more. 

Promotion of sports activities can help bring more knowledge of college sports to students who attend Pierce. The college has teams for baseball, football, soccer, swim, volleyball, softball and a cheer team. Currently, 40 student clubs are on campus. 

According to the Saint Albans Messenger, “Athletic programs can also be used to promote school spirit and foster a sense of belonging.”

This belonging can help students feel more at ease and united with their school. 

According to an article written by Randi Love in 2018, “The most important goal of Club Rush for the spring is to reach students and keep clubs available on campus to give a feeling of community.” 

While events in some departments gain ground with more advertising, others that clubs run are mostly noted through social media or on small fliers hanging throughout campus.

According to Goin’ Connect, “Student-led communities increase engagement. They’re more likely to attend events, participate in activities, and promote the community to their peers. This creates a positive feedback loop—the more involved students are, the more successful the community becomes, and the more students want to get involved.”

Sports could be better promoted if team members go to other sports during their off-season, and sell merchandise to promote their teams. More people would be willing to go to games if they knew the stories behind each athlete. Also, it would be helpful if games were on the main LAPC calendar so that people know when and where they happen. 

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