“I play the marimba, so I’m going to be getting some lessons from one of the people that I play with. I’m going to be preparing for auditions in the fall for this music group that I do. I’ve applied to a couple of different jobs as well as an internship at this city planning place, so I’m waiting to hear back.”
Aidan Callas – Civil engineering major
“Either volunteer at a hospital or get my CNA with my brother because we’re both doing nursing and hopefully get ready to transfer to UCLA.”
Levon Fitilchyan – Nursing major
“This summer I plan to read a lot of books that I’ve been putting off reading, binge-watch some shows and get some work in.”
Isis Gregory – Undecided major
“For the summer, I’m going to do a summer course, probably Anthropology 106 and probably work a part-time job. For fun, I’ll probably catch up on some shows or go somewhere fun, like the park or Six Flags.”
Josephine Harris – Anthropology major
“I’m going to try to get a part time job and enroll in some classes.”
Eric Sandoval – Business administration major
“My plans for summer is going out with my best friends and have some fun. If it’s too hot, maybe I’ll go to the beach or see a movie.”
Lexie Phan – Communications major