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Streetbeat: What are your summer plans?

Photo by Icy Smith.



“I play the marimba, so I’m going to be getting some lessons from one of the people that I play with. I’m going to be preparing for auditions in the fall for this music group that I do. I’ve applied to a couple of different jobs as well as an internship at this city planning place, so I’m waiting to hear back.”

Aidan Callas – Civil engineering major



Photo by Icy Smith. 



“Either volunteer at a hospital or get my CNA with my brother because we’re both doing nursing and hopefully get ready to transfer to UCLA.”

Levon Fitilchyan – Nursing major




Photo by Icy Smith.



“This summer I plan to read a lot of books that I’ve been putting off reading, binge-watch some shows and get some work in.”

Isis Gregory – Undecided major




Photo by Icy Smith.



“For the summer, I’m going to do a summer course, probably Anthropology 106 and probably work a part-time job. For fun, I’ll probably catch up on some shows or go somewhere fun, like the park or Six Flags.”

Josephine Harris – Anthropology major





Photo by Icy Smith.



“I’m going to try to get a part time job and enroll in some classes.”

Eric Sandoval – Business administration major





Photo by Icy Smith.




“My plans for summer is going out with my best friends and have some fun. If it’s too hot, maybe I’ll go to the beach or see a movie.”

Lexie Phan – Communications major

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