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Students need a sign

Walking down the Pierce College Mall or through the Bookstore and cafe, students may not notice the marquee and television screens are either outdated or blank.

These screens show important information on mental health, but also information about therapy dogs and an extension number that no longer exists on campus. This information should be updated because it provides a space that could easily show important information about the school or advertisements that can create revenue for the school.

According to a blog written by Tim Edmundson about television advertising, “TV advertising still works remarkably well. If it didn’t, you wouldn’t see the world’s largest brands continue to dedicate so much of their marketing budgets to television.”

There are also two digital marquees on campus—one outside the Great Hall and the other on the corner of Victory Boulevard and Winnetka Avenue. These showed the weather, time and important dates and events. Now those screens are black.

Street Communication noted that “Modern digital displays are energy efficient, and because content can be easily updated with a few keystrokes, they prove more cost-effective than traditional paper messaging. They are ideal for broadcasting all types of media around campus, from school announcements, and lunch menus, to time-critical alerts.”

The school can deliver important announcements at once, which helps spread the word even quicker.

According to a blog by Mike Walsh, LED screens, “Communicate campus events and important updates in real-time, right where your students and faculty already are.”

Frequently updated information on the televisions and marquees can keep students current on campus life and news.

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